Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sharpening the Razor: Nutrition

So I've altered my diet/supplementation slightly as I approach the National Championships. As most of you know I follow a pretty strict modified Paleo Diet, or Paleo Diet for Athletes most of the time. This means that I eat lot of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, healthy fats, and fairly low levels of carbs, except for right before, during, and after my workouts. A sample day might look like this:

6AM: Ride - Honey Stinger gel or a bag of their organic Energy Chews before the ride, Accelerade during if I'm doing intervals.

7:30AM: Shake - made with whey, fruit juice, banana, and Udo's Blend oil

8:30AM: Breakfast - usually eggs and fruit, or possibly oatmeal if I've done a particularly hard wokrout

11AM: Snack - chicken/tuna salad and apple, trail mix, or energy bar

1:30PM: Lunch - usually a massive salad with some protein (fish, chicken, steak)

4PM: Snack - usually same as above, but I add fish oil and green drink. If I'm doing a late workout I will have a Honey Stinger Protein bar

7PM: Dinner - Lots of veggies and protein

10PM: Whey protein (if I've had an afternoon workout)

** Note the lack of grains, pasta, bread.** This is a change I made about 3 years ago. I've noticed that I don't have joint pain anymore, and have had almost no stomach issues on the bike whatsoever. In addition, I've had 1 cold in 3 years. This was after a vacation where all nutritional discretion went out the window! The exceptions to the above are if I'm doing a long mid-morning ride. I will then have a Honey Stinger Protein bar with a banana, oatmeal, yogurt with homemade granola, or 'poop-pudding' (a mix of organic, unsweetened applesauce and frozen mixed berries). I've found that these foods provide me with the necessary 100-150g of carbohydrates about 3 hours before the ride.

On the bike nutrition is entirely liquid now. I use Honey Stinger gels (1 per hour), Hammer Perpetuem (1 scoop per hour), or Accelerade (for short efforts). I've done rides up to 4.5hrs with this protocol and have not felt like I've bonked, and again, stomach issues are non-existent.

Additionally, I supplement with a multi-vitamin, antioxidant blend, Vitamin D (4000IU/day), fish oil (Carlson's), and green drink.

So what am I doing differently leading up to Nats? Eating more carbs. Now to be as Paleo or Primal as possible, most of these are coming in the form of fruits, fruit juice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, etc. However I have allowed myself more oats than normal, as well as some starches/breads during my post-ride meals. I'm shooting for 500-600g of carbs to top off my stores before Monday. I'm also adding sodium phosphate and glycerol in loading doses.

I truly believe that my diet has taught my body to burn fat instead of carbs for fuel, allowed me to reach a new low for body fat, and maintain my intense training and work schedule. Also, it helps to maintain a healthy immune system in a stressful environment, and allows me to stay focused in the OR when I need to bring my 'A game'!

Thanks to Honey Stinger ( for their great products this year! I love their Dark Chocolate/Coconut/Almond protein bars, honey stinger gels (especially Ginsting), and both my wife and I love their organic Energy Chews. It makes a big difference when you feel like your 'cheating' when you are eating fuel for your workouts!

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