Thursday, November 27, 2008

Private Playground

Yesterday epitomized why I moved to Asheville. I've been traveling and working a lot recently and I had 2 hours to get ready, ride, stretch and clean up. My schedule planned for 3 x 15min at L4 or LT, so I decided to hit the BRP (Blue Ridge Parkway) for some hill repeats. The great thing is that I can be on the Parkway in 15 minutes from our house. Even better, yesterday, the section that I was using (up to Mt. Pisgah) was closed! This meant that I had my own 'private playground' to use for intervals - SWEET! Climbing in solitude (and sometimes int the other lane) I knocked out my intervals and was hitting power numbers that I haven't seen since Spring! Must've been the beauty of the day - or just the energy drink I hit before my ride? Either way, it was a great workout and a great mental break from everything that's been going on lately.

I then hit the road for Raleigh and a 'Canes game with some friends before packing up again and driving to Norfolk for a family Thanksgiving. Of course I got a ride in today as well - took my 'cross bike out on the Norfolk beach for some tempo work in the sand with the dog. Another beautiful ride, and a great workout.

I'm thankful to have the health, time and beautiful places to ride. Of course I'm also thankful for my family and the other blessings in my life. What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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