Thursday, April 23, 2009

Race Report: Georgia Cup TT & River TT #1

Well, as my previous post alluded to, this past week kicked off the first TTs of the year for me. I'll tell you - a cold beer and a hot shower are AWESOME after doing 40ks worth of time trialing on a Thursday night! Our new shower is sweet by the way . . .

Last Saturday my friend, Mark, and I drove down at 5AM to Gainesville, GA to compete in a 30k TT (right before I moved all weekend). The course was great, hilly, slightly technical, but all big ring. I got beat by a solid minute, but considering I'd never ridden the course before, I was satisfied with my ride. I achieved my goal wattage, got a baseline for training, and had fun with Mark! I also learned a couple things that day: 1. Pre-ride a TT course if at all possible, and 2. Don't move all weekend after a TT - my legs were still shot Tuesday!

Tonight was the first TT at the River. What a great series! (check out a picture here: My goal was to break 25:30 for the 20k distance (my PR was 25:33 after Nats last year). I came close - 25:36 - on a slightly windy day, but had my highest power output ever, so I'm happy with that! I was 3rd overall, Jason scored a great win with a 25:08 and Josh Whitmore rode a PR of 25:17 to beat me out of 2nd. Then for the fun - Jason Sprouse, Andrew Erskine, and I teamed up for the TTT. Mind you, we've never ridden together in a paceline, let alone a paceline on TT bikes, but Jason and Andrew do the pursuit on the track together and I've done my share of TTTs, so we gave it a go. Not bad for our first time - we rode 24:57, and were narrowly beat by the 'team' of Andy Applegate and his wife Cara. Now Jason and I are thinking a tandem may be in our future . . .

So with my belly full of beer and Indian food, and my body happily cleaned, I'm going to throw on the compression tights and get into bed with my wife. Good night!

** Thanks to our sponsors, but a big thanks to Marios, Biowheels and ABRC for keeping this event alive this year!! **

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