Monday, June 29, 2009

Sharpening the Razor: The Mental Edge

I often think, and tell others, that racing at the 1/2 or Masters 30-40 level is about 90% mental. That might be an exaggeration, but on race day it seems about half the riders in the field could win that day based on their experience, and fitness. So what's the difference? The Mental Edge.

As a junior I remember reading about the power of visualization and picturing your successes. We've all done it on rides; cresting the top of a climb with your arms aloft, sprinting to a county line, or just fantasizing about standing atop a podium. You can take it to another level and see yourself in the race, repeating mantras, and mentally completing workouts in your "mind's eye". These are techniques often practiced by some of the sports greatest champions. I've incorporated more and more of these techniques during my life, not just in cycling, but in my career, relationship, and even day-to-day.

This past week I've been reviewing the road race course on Google Earth, investigating the riders in my field, picturing attacks, and the finish, as well as the results of all my hard work :). The only thing left to do today is execute. And that's the difference. On race day you have to use your brain to bring to fruition all of the physical, tactical, skill, and mental work that you have completed. I relish the opportunity to do that today!

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