Saturday, August 8, 2015

Breck Epic Prep

Today's the day before we start the Breck Epic 2015!  My friend, Chip Hoover, invited me back in the early Spring with some of his college friends; Eric & Richard Schurke, and Eric Burke.  The race is spread over 6 days, 240 miles, with 40,000 feet of elevation gain.  I'll have some other friends as well out here, like Rob Batey!

This race will stretch my limits, since not only do I not do a lot of mountain bike races, but I can't tell you the last time I rode 7 days in a row, let alone on a mountain bike, let alone racing . . .

So here's the schedule for the next week:

5AM: Wake up

5:30AM: Eat breakfast (Bobo bar & Justin's nut butter), coffee

5:30-7:30AM: Relax/read

7:30AM: Dress

8AM: Ride to start

8:30AM-1PM: Race!

1PM: Drop bike off at Avalanche Sports to get washed and tuned

1:30PM: Recovery shake & shower

2-4PM: Nap

4PM: Snack

5PM: Rider meeting

6PM: Dinner

9PM: Normatec "space legs" sesh and get in bed

9:30PM: sleep

Or as my wife says, "Sound like your perfect vacation!"

Let's do this!

- Chris

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